An iTunes Backup Manager Software for iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch
iBackupBot is an easy-to -use shareware/nagware tool allows an investigator to view and analyze the iOS backup files that reside on the computers end users use to manage their iOS devices. With iBackupBot, the investigator can view and analyze the iTunes backup files, and quickly identify the relevant files of interest. iBackupBot allows the investigator to view the device’s databases, images, SMS messages, notes, address book, call history calendar, and more. And, the applications allows the export of the data to CSV files for easier creation of charts for use in reports. Finally, most iOS tools are Mac-only tools (developed by Mac developers for Mac users). iBackupBot is a Microsoft Windows application, and therefore is more useful for forensic labs, where Windows is still the predominate operating system.
iBackupBot will also allow the viewing of all “captured text.” The iPhone has a spell checker to improve the accuracy of the on-screen keyboard. That feature saves a running log of recent keystrokes. Those keystrokes can be very revealing. For example, did the use enter in a search engine string that is relevant to the investigation? Or, did the user start to enter a note with relevant information, and then delete the note? This keylogging feature can contain a treasure-trove of valuable information.
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