Windows 7 Recycle Bin EnScript

I recently received an email from a friend who I had worked closely
with years ago and who I have always considered to be a mentor. Everyday
we worked together he would challenge me and make me think about
various forensic procedures and come up with innovative solutions. His
name is Bruce Pixley and I miss working with him.

Bruce recently had a need to parse out some deleted files that were in
the recycle bin of a Windows 7 image, but the corresponding $R files
were gone. He restored several of the shadow volume instances and found
several of the $I files, but the $R files were not present. He needed a
way to parse just the $I index files and build a report.

Bruce ended up writing a simple EnScript to parse selected $I files in
the recycle bin of a Vista/7 image. He sent me the EnScript to post as a
learning process for others.


Windows 7 Recycle Bin Report (Version: 1.0)

Select $I files found in the Windows 7 $Recycle.Bin folder that you want decoded

Enscript will create a tab-delimited file in the case export folder

Created by: Bruce W. Pixley, CISSP, EnCE

Date: 12/1/2010


You can read the comments inside the EnScript for specific details of how he is parsing the data.

You can download a copy of the EnScript here


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