I’m happy to announce that DEFT 6 Release Candidate is OUT!
Sorry guys but I have decided to delay the release of the version 6 because I couldn’t deeply tested it YET. Everything should be ok!
However,here are the main new features of DEFT 6:
- Linux Kernel 2.6.35;
- DEFT Extra 3 (Windows Side);
- Sleuthkit 3.2.0;
- Autopsy 2.24;
- Digital Forensic Framework (DFF) 0.8;
- Xplico 0.6.1;
- Dhash 2.0.1;
- Guymager 0.5.7;
- Hunchbacked 4most 0.6;
- Log2timeline 0.50;
- Foremost, Scalpel e Photorec file carver;
Is that not enough? 

- usb 3 ready;
- full integration using wine for run windows forensic tool under linux;
- full support for Intel Mac OSX systems;
- full support for the most common file systems;
- full support for logical volume manager;
- full support for afflib and ewflib.
For a full list please refer to this page
IISFA appreciates DEFT project as a contribution to the development of the Computer Forensic analysis. The appreciation of IISFA is both scientific and cultural.
This work represent the work of the DEFT team and not of the IISFA association.
This work represent the work of the DEFT team and not of the IISFA association.
PLEASE remember that this is a RELEASE CANDIDATE!!!
this version have the potential to be THE final product, It’s ready to release unless fatal bugs emerge. If you find any bugs, please fell free to let me know by the support forum, email ( bug AT deftlinux.net ) or by the https://launchpad.net/deft website
this version have the potential to be THE final product, It’s ready to release unless fatal bugs emerge. If you find any bugs, please fell free to let me know by the support forum, email ( bug AT deftlinux.net ) or by the https://launchpad.net/deft website
Finally (and not least of all!) a special thanks to all the people that worked with me as volunteers: Salvo Tarantino, Davide Gabrini, Massimiliano Dal Cero, Bartolomeo Bogliolo , Sandro Rossetti and Valerio Leomporra.
Thank you guys!
Thank you guys!
More news will follow as soon as the final version will be ready (less than a week and cross your finger!)
Stefano Fratepietro
p.s: new DEFT logo!

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