無腦教學 - 人肉蒐索(合法篇)


透 過搜尋引擎可以快速的查找所有這個帳號的相關資訊,你可能在某個學校的網頁中找到這個資訊,也可能在某個論壇中發現他發表的文章,由於訊息量非常雜亂且不 確定到底是不是他,或是其他使用相同帳號的仁兄,因此你除了每個連結都去逛逛外,沒有什麼特別快速辨別的方法,所以你必須在逐一瀏覽後進行簡單的分類後備 用,另外,古云:狡兔有三窟,人的帳號也可能有多個,在這個階段你可以把所有的相關帳號整理後備用。

近 年來流行洩露自己的想法,部落格是最早出現做為瞭解某個人生活偶發的事件、想法、做法等思考邏輯的重要來源,除了瀏覽文章內容外,有些人會把相簿內的人物 標上姓名、外號及地點,這個部份也很重要,你可以瞭解他的活動範圍,也可以透過這些朋友社交攻擎或獲取目標朋友對目標的印象做為塑型的依據




轉自 http://mycck.blogspot.com/2011/04/blog-post.html




這款保密硬碟共有160GB~640GB等5種不同容量型號,硬碟將對安裝機器使用盤問與回應驗證(challenge and response authentication)功能,一經驗證就只能於單一PC、數位複合機器、POS收銀系統上使用,一旦驗證時發現是與其他裝置連接,硬碟就會刪除解 密金鑰,藉此防止內部資料外流。

這款保密硬碟共有三種資料保護模式以因應不同需求。除了上述模式外,也允許使用者直接從硬碟安裝的機器上執行資料無效化指令,或是設定成一旦切斷電源供應 就自動刪除解密金鑰的保護模式,使用者也能自行設定硬碟中哪些磁區的資料是防護措施啟動後就立刻刪除解密金鑰,哪些磁區是保留金鑰僅以加密狀態保存。

東芝新款保密硬碟採用3.0Gbps SATA資料傳輸介面,平均資料搜尋時間12msec、轉速7200rpm,具16MB緩衝區容量,採用AES 256 bit加密演算法以及第2代東芝Wipe technology功能,避免機器啟動省電模式時誤觸資料防護功能。

轉自 http://www.ithome.com.tw/itadm/article.php?c=67058


作者:趨勢科技Nart Villeneuve (資安威脅高級研究員) 

近來,專門利用熱門軟體漏洞來攻擊單一特定對象的惡意程式攻擊越來越普遍。在頗為知名的「Aurora」惡意程式攻擊 Google 以及至少其他二十多家公司之前,鎖定單一目標的惡意程式攻擊就已經相當普遍,而且不斷入侵政府機關、軍事單位、民間企業、教育機構以及一般民間網路。雖然美國政府與相關網路遭到此類攻擊已不是新聞,但越來越多其他國家的政府和民間機構也面臨了同樣的威脅。


今年稍早,加拿大南韓法國政府一些敏感的網路都曾發生嚴重的資安事件。最近,歐盟執行委員會 (European Commission) 與歐盟對外事務部 (European External Action Service) 也都遭到入侵。此外,資訊安全廠商 RSAComodo 也都坦承發生安全事件,其中,至少 RSA 的案例看來就是一起鎖定單一目標的惡意程式攻擊。




這類攻擊經常被形容為技術高超專門針對被害人的 攻擊,不論是哪一種說法,基本上就是表示攻擊得逞。這類事後的描述經常暗指攻擊者完全掌握了受害者的漏洞,在某些情況下,甚至完全符合他們的期望。我們很 難根據那些模糊的公開資訊來判斷這些說法是否屬實。所以,本文無意駁斥這些說法,只是希望強調,攻擊者之所以能夠鎖定單一目標、具備精密的攻擊技巧,全靠 日積月累的知識,而非高超的工具和方法。


雖然大多數的網際網路使用者可能一輩子也不會成為駭客鎖定的單一目標,反倒比較容易成為一般威脅的受害者,例如:假防毒軟體 Fake AV網路銀行木馬程式 (Zeus、SpyEye),但專門從事單一目標攻擊的惡意程式樣本數量卻從未減少。不過,實際上,攻擊目標的針對性也有很大的變異。有些惡意攻擊者喜歡製造一些「雜訊」。他們會四處散發惡意文件 (通常會利用某些主題或問題來執行社交工程技巧),但這些文件的收件者 (也就是潛在的目標) 為數頗多。這些當然並未鎖定某位個人或某個機構。但是,這類攻擊很可能是針對特定目標的後續攻擊前兆。




最近我從 contagiodump.blogspot.com 所收到的一個樣本就展示了這類攻擊「雜訊」所能達到的偵查效果。此惡意程式樣本是一個專門利用 Microsoft HTML 說明檔漏洞的 .CHM 檔案。該程式就是趨勢科技所偵測到的 CHM_CODEBASE.AG,它會在系統植入 BKDR_SALITY.A 後門程式,接著製造一些網路流量,連上知名 BKDR_SALITY.A 伺服器。


此外,該惡意程式還會產生一些網路連線連上 win{BLOCKED}.dyndns.info。該伺服器上的網頁含有一段 JavaScript 程式碼會使用 res:// 通訊協定來列出受害電腦上所安裝的特定軟體,然後將清單傳送至 win{BLOCKED}.dyndns.info。這種藉由 res:// 通訊協定來找出系統安裝軟體的方法,早在 2007 年就由 Billy Rios 所發表。


根據 Rios 解釋,Internet Explorer 從 4.0 版開始即內建 res:// 通訊協定,可用於偵測遠端電腦上是否安裝了特定軟體,因此攻擊者只要引誘使用者以瀏覽器連上某個網頁即可。如同 Rios 指出,這項技巧可用於找出特定應用程式,進而找出適用的漏洞攻擊技巧。此外,還可偵測系統是否有某個磁碟機存在。這麼多年之後,這項技巧依然有效。


win{BLOCKED}.dyndns.info 網頁上 JavaScript 程式碼可廣泛偵測下列軟體:

  • Microsoft Office (WordOutlook),從 97 至 2010 版
  • Adobe Reader (7.0 至 9.3)
  • Adobe Flash
  • Java
  • 即時通訊程式 (SkypeYahoo! MessengerMSNGoogle TalkQQ)
  • 程式開發工具與美工軟體 (Delphi.NETPhotoshopDreamweaver)

此外,它還會檢查系統上的檔案分享軟體、網頁瀏覽器、遠端系統管理工具、電子郵件用戶端、下載管理員以及媒體播放器。資訊安全軟體也在其偵測之列,包括:市場上主要的防毒軟體與防火牆產品,還有 PGP 加密軟體。此外,該惡意程式還會檢查虛擬機器軟體,並且偵測自己是否在 VMware 虛擬機器內執行。最後,它還會檢查 Microsoft 更新 (KB842773 至 KB981793)。


老實說,這個惡意程式樣本有點奇怪,因為它會在入侵使用者的電腦之後才執行上述檢查。如果是用來偵查,不是應該在攻擊之前就 執行嗎?一種可能的解釋是,攻擊者刻意送出一些攻擊「雜訊」,希望系統管理員在清除這些雜訊之後就忘了這件事。但此時攻擊者已經蒐集到企業的電腦配備資 料。因此,就知道該公司偏好的防毒軟體、特定軟體版本以及其他可用資訊,接下來就很容易針對該目標發動進一步攻擊。當攻擊者準備就緒時,就會發動一次攻擊 來竊取想要的資料。




@原文來源:How Sophisticated are Targeted Malware Attacks?



轉自 http://domynews.blog.ithome.com.tw/post/1252/96386 

DEFT 6.1

DEFT 6.1 is the last planned release of DEFT 6.
From June 2011, We will start working on version 7. It will feature great improvements on both the architectural structure and the included applications.
Release notes:

- Start faster by 15% over the previous version
- Optimization initrd
- RegTime.py
- Recovery.py

Fixed problem of large pcap file uploads in Xplico
Revision of all DEFT Extra’s tools to comply with their License.
DEFT 6 can boot from USB (tnks to Valerio Leomporra for the fix)

轉自 http://www.deftlinux.net/2011/04/15/deft-linux-6-1-ready-for-download/

Digital Forensics Search


連結:Google Digital Forensics Search


A Fistful of Dongles  http://ericjhuber.blogspot.com/
A Geek Raised by Wolves  http://jessekornblum.livejournal.com/
An Eye on Forensics  http://eyeonforensics.blogspot.com/
appointments-uk  http://appointments-uk.blogspot.com/
Blog Matt Churchill  http://mattchurchill.net/blog/
cci  http://cci.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/
Codeslack  http://codeslack.blogspot.com/
Computer Forensic Blog  http://computer.forensikblog.de/en/
Computer Forensic Source  http://forensicsource.blogspot.com/
Computer Forensics and IR - What's New  http://newinforensics.blogspot.com/
Computer Forensics Forums - Recent Blogs Posts - Blogs  http://www.computer-forensics.co.uk/computer-forensics-forums/blog.php?s=88da0ba9705c1f3b0a6e0ff5168ac75b
Computer Forensics, Malware Analysis & Digital Investigations  http://www.forensickb.com/
Computer Forensics-E-Discovery Tips-Tricks and Information  http://cfed-ttf.blogspot.com/
ComputerForensicSource.com  http://www.computerforensicsource.com/
contagio  http://contagiodump.blogspot.com/
CSITech - Computer Forensics  http://nickfurneaux.blogspot.com/
CYB3RCRIM3  http://cyb3rcrim3.blogspot.com/
Cyber Crime 101  http://www.cybercrime101.com/
CyberSpeak's Podcast  http://cyberspeak.libsyn.com/
Dancho Danchev's Blog - Mind Streams of Information Security Knowledge  http://ddanchev.blogspot.com/
Derek Newton « Information Security Insights http://dereknewton.com/
digfor  http://digfor.blogspot.com/
Didier Stevens  http://blog.didierstevens.com/
Digital Detective  http://blog.digital-detective.co.uk/
Digital Forensic Source  http://www.digitalforensicsource.com/
Digital Forensics Blog  http://digiforensics.blogspot.com/
Digital Forensics Solutions  http://dfsforensics.blogspot.com/
EDD and Forensics  http://eddandforensics.blogspot.com/
Ex Forensis  http://exforensis.blogspot.com/
Forensic 4cast  http://www.forensic4cast.com/
forensic . seccure . net  http://seccure.blogspot.com/
Forensic Artifacts  http://forensicartifacts.com/
Forensic Computing — Digital forensics from the view of a computer scientist  http://www.forensicblog.org/
Forensic Incident Response  http://forensicir.blogspot.com/
Forensic Photoshop  http://forensicphotoshop.blogspot.com/
Forensics from the sausage factory  http://forensicsfromthesausagefactory.blogspot.com/
ForensicZone  http://forensiczone.blogspot.com/
Geoff Black's Forensic Gremlins - Everything that gives you fits in Digital Forensics and E-Discovery  http://www.geoffblack.com/
Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics blog  http://hackingexposedcomputerforensicsblog.blogspot.com/
integriography A Journal of Broken Locks, Ethics, and Computer Forensics  http://integriography.wordpress.com/
Internet Storm Center Diary  http://isc.sans.edu/
IR and forensic talk  http://blog.kiddaland.net/
JL's stuff  http://gleeda.blogspot.com/
Journey into Incident Response  http://journeyintoir.blogspot.com/
Macaroni Forensics  http://macaroniforensics.blogspot.com/
Matthieu Suiche’s blog ! - Happiness only real when shared.  http://www.msuiche.net/
McGrew Security Blog  http://www.mcgrewsecurity.com/
Mobile Device Forensics  http://mobileforensics.wordpress.com/
Mobile Forensics Inc Blogger  http://blog.mobileforensicsinc.com/
Mobile Telephone Evidence  http://trewmte.blogspot.com/
M-unition  http://blog.mandiant.com/
OS X Forensics Blog  http://osxforensics.wordpress.com/
Push the Red Button  http://moyix.blogspot.com/
RAM Slack – Random Thoughts from a Computer Forensic Examiner  http://ramslack.wordpress.com/
Reversing Malware  http://internetopenurla.blogspot.com/
Security Ripcord  http://www.cutawaysecurity.com/blog/
TaoSecurity  http://taosecurity.blogspot.com/
The Digital Standard  http://thedigitalstandard.blogspot.com/
trustedsignal -- blog  http://trustedsignal.blogspot.com/
volatility Advanced Memory Forensics  http://volatility.tumblr.com/
Windows Forensic Environment  http://winfe.wordpress.com/
Windows Incident Response  http://windowsir.blogspot.com/

Brian Carrier Digital Investigation - Forensics and Evidence Research  http://www.digital-evidence.org/
CERIAS Reports and Papers Archive  https://www.cerias.purdue.edu/apps/reports_and_papers/
Cert  http://www.cert.org/
Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section US DOJ  http://www.justice.gov/criminal/cybercrime/
Computer Forensics Miscellany  http://computerforensics.parsonage.co.uk/
Craig Gall Helping Lawyers Master Technology  http://www.craigball.com/
DFI News  http://www.dfinews.com/
DFRWS (Digital Forensics Research Conference)  http://www.dfrws.org/
Digital Forensics Magazine supporting the professional computer security industry  http://www.digitalforensicsmagazine.com/
ENSIA CERT  http://www.enisa.europa.eu/act/cert/
E-Evidence Information Center - Home  http://www.e-evidence.info/
FIRST - Improving security together  http://www.first.org/
Forensic Focus  www.forensicfocus.com/
Forensic Magazine Issues  http://www.forensicmag.com/current-issue/
Forensics Wiki  http://www.forensicswiki.org/
Inside the registry  http://www.insidetheregistry.com/regdatabase/
International Journal of Digital Evidence on Utica College  http://www.utica.edu/academic/institutes/ecii/ijde/
Into The Boxes  http://intotheboxes.wordpress.com/
Lenny Zeltser  http://zeltser.com/
log2timeline  http://log2timeline.net/
Mobile Forensics Central  http://www.mobileforensicscentral.com/
NIST Computer Security Division Special Publications  http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/
Open Source Digital Forensics  http://www2.opensourceforensics.org/
SANs Computer Forensics  http://computer-forensics.sans.org/
SANS InfoSec Reading Room - Forensics  http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/forensics/
SANS InfoSec Reading Room - Incident Handling  http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/incident/
SANS InfoSec Reading Room - Malicious Code  http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/malicious/
SANS InfoSec Reading Room - Steganography  http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/stenganography/
Small Scale Digital Device Forensics Journal  http://www.ssddfj.org/
SWGDE  http://www.swgde.org/
Welcome AppleExaminer  http://www.appleexaminer.com/

AuSCERT Forming an Incident Response Team  http://www.auscert.org.au/render.html?it=2252&cid=1938

Cybercrime.gov searching and seizing manual  http://www.cybercrime.gov/ssmanual/index.html
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals  http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/92-102.ZS.html
Default Processes in Windows 2000  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/263201
Digital Evidence: Standards and Principles  http://www2.fbi.gov/hq/lab/fsc/backissu/april2000/swgde.htm
FileSignatures Table  http://www.garykessler.net/library/file_sigs.html
Forensically interesting spots in the Windows 7, Vista and XP file system and registry (and anti-forensics)  http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=security/windows-forensics-registry-and-file-system-spots
Microsoft Windows XP - Default settings for services  http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/sys_srv_default_settings.mspx?mfr=true
RFC 3227 - Guidelines for Evidence Collection and Archiving  http://www.rfc-archive.org/getrfc.php?rfc=3227
SEI Handbook for Incident Response Teams  http://www.sei.cmu.edu/library/abstracts/reports/03hb002.cfm
Windows 7 Default Services and Suggested Startup Mode  http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Windows-7-Default-Services-Suggested-Startup-Mode.html

Yahoo Win4n6 Group  http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/win4n6/

Yahoo Linux Forensics Group  http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/linux_forensics/

轉自 http://journeyintoir.blogspot.com/2011/04/introducing-digital-forensics-search.html

Digital Corpora

DigitalCorpora.org is a website of digital corpora for use in computer forensics education research. All of the disk images, memory dumps, and network packet captures available on this website are freely available and may be used without prior authorization or IRB approval. We also have available a research corpus of real data acquired from around the world. Use of that dataset is possible under special arrangement.
From here you can view the available:

Many of the corpora are distributed in RAW, EnCase E01, and Advanced Forensic Format (AFF) formats. We also make available a Digital Forensics XML file for many of the disk images that describes the files contained within each volume. You can download tools for working with AFF and XFXML files from our companion website, http://afflib.org/.

轉自 Digital Corpora


2011/4月開始,網路攻防戰會於每週四晚上9:00~11:30 固定開播資安課程,至於收播時間則不一定要看當天的課程檔案時間多長。

日期 主題
4/07 (四) 21:00~24:00 網路攻防戰之個資防護篇
4/14 (四) 21:00~24:00 網路攻防戰之郵件社交工程篇
4/21 (四) 21:00~24:00 網路攻防戰之上網篇
4/28 (四) 21:00~24:00 網路攻防戰之木馬入侵
你也可以直接在這邊收看 OpenBlue的TV在 Justin.tv 上的廣播實況
你可以透過:網路攻防戰FaceBook的粉絲團 來回報網路直播的意見。


轉自 網路攻防戰


Malware Analyser


EnScript to parse classic (.evt) event log entries in unallocated

This EnScript was inspired by a blog reader who emailed me to ask for a solution to parse some windows event log entries that were found in unallocated.

There are a couple ways I could think of to solve this issue. The easiest was to just build a parser to read a single event log record that was found in unallocated and display the data in the single record. The problem with that solution is it does not scale well and it will become very tedious when there are numerous records found in unallocated and requires a person to parse each one individually.

The final solution was an EnScript to perform a search for the magic value of "LfLe" which appears in every valid event log record. Once a hit is found, then the record is parsed and exported out into a separate .EVT file.  Every hit is exported out into the same .evt file and in the end, you will have a single "eventlog.evt" that contains all the valid windows event log entries that were found in unallocated. You can then use your favorite 3rd party event log viewer (Event log explorer, etc..) or the native Windows event viewer (eventvwr.exe) to read all the records that were found in unallocated.

Each event log entry maintains a event record number. When searching in unallocated, it is possible that you could find two records with the same record number, therefore this EnScript renumbers all the records found in unallocated, but leaves the remaining data intact and as exactly as found in unallocated. Each record is assigned a new record number and then exported into the new .Evt file. A new header and footer is built based on the exported data so it can then be read with all the common event log viewing tools.

The exported records viewed in the EVENTVWR app in Windows 7:

The exported records viewed in the Event Log Explorer app in Windows 7:

None - This EnScript performs a search automatically. There is no need to search, select (blue check) or preprocess anything. The EnScript will search every unallocated object found, so if you have multiple drives loaded into the case, each one will be searched automatically. The EnScript automatically bookmarks all the "LfLe" search hits (valid and invalid). Some basic error checking is done to validate the record to attempt to ensure it is a complete and valid record before it is exported into the new .EVT file. The new "eventlog.evt" file is created in the default export folder for the active case.

This *only* searches and rebuilds classic Windows NT/2000/XP event (.evt) records. It does not yet support the newer .EVTX (xml) records that are used in Vista, 2008 & 7.

Download here

轉自 forensickb

兩個Oracle資料庫鑑識工具 - DDLDUMP & Data Block Examiner

近期,幾個主要的安全事件,如McAfee.com,MySql.com和Sun.com由於存在SQL注入漏洞被黑,導致人們將責任由SQL注入這個被 認為已經在逐年下降的漏洞推到了資料庫安全上。針對SQL注入攻擊比較重要的是知道問題出在了哪裡?這就是資料庫攻擊取證之所以重要的原因,有兩個比較好 的工具可以幫你完成資料庫取證任務 

DDLDUMP & Data Block Examiner
DDLDUMP: A Data Definition Language or Data Description Language (DDL) is a computer language for defining data structures. DDLDUMP is a free tool to dump DDL statements from Oracle transaction logs (redologs) in XML. It parses an Oracle redo log (transaction file ) and dumps all DDL statements, such as GRANT, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, REVOKE, etc, in XML.

Data Block Examiner for Oracle: It is a tool that can be used in an Oracle forensics investigation of a suspected breach.

轉自 http://www.pulog.org/tools/1972/Oracle-Forensic/

The End of Digital Forensics?

by Craig Ball

When Microsoft introduced its Encrypting File System (EFS) in Windows 2000, the Cassandras of computer forensics peppered the listserves with predictions that the days of digital forensics were numbered. Ten years on and hundreds of systems acquired, I’ve yet to handle a case stymied by encryption—and 90% of my acquisitions were corporate machines, many with TPMs and fingerprint readers. Voluntary encryption turned out to be no encryption at all.

The next sky falling threats to forensics were privacy tools and features. “Surely,” our Chicken Littles clucked, “everyone will run free tools that routinely wipe unallocated clusters and securely delete data!” Turns out, they only run the antiforensic tools right before the examiner arrives, and most such tools do a lousy job covering their tracks. Instead, we’ve come to see much more revealing data and metadata created and retained by operating systems. The Windows Registry and all those logs and .dat files are like birthday presents from Bill Gates.

Finally, there are the stormy forecasts about the Cloud. Absent dominion over physical storage media, digital forensics is indeed different. We need credentials to acquire data in the Cloud, and deletion tends to mean really gone. But the silver lining is that the portable devices used to access Cloud data tend to store so much information that they’re proving a cornucopia of case-making information. Are handhelds trickier to acquire? Sure. Are they less revealing? Not on your life!

But lately, one acorn that has fallen on my head and caused me to look warily aloft is the quantum leap in hard drive capacity. I suspect I’ve acquired more aggregate data in the last year than in all of the previous nine years put together. Not more media, mind you, more data. At least more nulls, but we’ve got to read those too, right?

Four 2TB hard drives proved barely enough capacity to hold the working copies of data acquired last weekend, even after I compressed some of it. It took two days to consolidate the various target media onto a pair of 2TB drives and thirteen hours to clone and hash each drive using the very latest drive-to-drive tools. Kudos to Voom Technologies, Inc. (voomtech.com) for its terrific Hardcopy 3P hard drive data capture unit. At 5+GB per minute, it’s a data moving marvel. I shudder to think how long the imaging and cloning would have taken using the usual software imaging tools over USB 2.0, but I’m certain I’d still be freezing my ass off in a server room in Louisiana but for Hardcopy.

The upside of a hardware imager is that it’s incredibly fast. The downside is that you’ve got to grab the entire drive. So you’re offsite faster, but the data volume to process back in the lab is huge now that we’re encountering terabyte drives in the field. Seek to acquire anything less than the entire drive (as is common in e-discovery collection efforts), and you’re relegated to the interface speed--typically USB 2.0 for an external hard drive unless you crack the enclosure and get the drive write blocked and on bus, USB 3.0 or eSATA. Note to self: Add glue to field kit for when plastic tabs break off while opening shoddy enclosures.

At USB 2.0 transfer speeds, multi-terabyte acquisitions are measured in days, not hours. I’m a good lawyer, but I haven’t found a loophole in the laws of physics that govern transfer speeds. Moving lots of data takes too long.

Of course, terabyte data volumes also slow search, indexing, volume refinement, file carving and other key tasks. Most of the volume is nulls, but you have to read those nulls at least once to identify and ignore them. If you acquire drives raw and fast, you’ll invest time back at the lab to compress the data. It all ratchets up the cost of digital forensics, tending to make it less accessible in civil cases and adding to budget burdens of law enforcement.

If you’re thinking, “more hours mean more money to me,” beware. That’s golden goose money. Like the now-struggling e-discovery service providers who were profitable only while gouging customers, profiting near-term from what destroys your business long term is not sustainable. In the end, the commercial viability of computer forensics flows from its broad acceptance and use, fostered by reducing its cost.

We need faster ways to leave those nulls behind, or those predicting the end of forensics may end up being right…finally.

轉自 http://www.forensicfocus.com/craig-ball

Installing pescanner.py on Windows

I don't often work with Python scripts, but I recently had an instance where, due to advice from a trusted source, I needed to run pescanner.py, mentioned in the Malware Analyst's Cookbook. In short, what I wanted to do was take look at a couple of suspicious executable files, having already run several AV scanners to identify and locate those files. Based on what I learned in setting this up, I wanted to share the steps I used to get this script running on Windows XP SP3.

Pescanner.py is a powerful tool that takes a look into a Windows portable executable (PE) file, and reports on "suspicious" elements of the file, if found, based on heuristics identified within the "Pimp my PE" paper. Pescanner.py can also incorporate YARA functionality so that PEiD and ClamAV signatures can be used, as well. This can be extremely valuable to an analyst, as we're all aware how AV alone often times will not detect malware. I've seen cases where malware was detected by the installed AV, only to have the timeline clearly show that at some point further down the road, another file with the same name was dumped on the system, but NOT detected by the same AV.

Install Python: I opted for ActiveState's ActivePython, but you can also get the current distro for Windows from Python.org.

Install Pefile: Do NOT use the pypm utility that ships with ActivePython to install the pefile module; instead go directly to the source and get the latest version. Download the archive and copy the pefile.py and peutils.py files into the Lib directory for your Python installation.

Download pescanner.py: Go here (this is rev. 18, get the most current one available) and get the file; the easiest thing to do is click on "View raw file" and save it where you want it to go. I had some issues getting the script running on Windows 2003, and it came down to the indentations...if you program Python, you may know what I mean. I had selected and copied the code in my browser, and pasted it into a Notepad window; when I saved the code using "View raw file" from the Google Code site, things worked. On my XP system, I pasted the code into an UltraEdit window and saved it.

Installing python-magic: According to this source, you'll need a couple of files to get python-magic installed on your system. First, go get the GnuWin32 file utility, and download the latest archive. Copy magic1.dll to your system32 directory and put the magic file in the same directory as pescanner.py. You can get regex2.dll from the latest regex archive (copy the file to your system32 dir), and zlib1.dll from the latest zlib archive.

For this one, I contacted MHL (one of the Cookbook authors...) and he sent me the below instructions for installing python-magic on Windows:

Assuming you already have Python from python.org or the ActivePython version...
1) Install setuptools
2) Get python-magic
* python setup.py build
* python setup.py install
3) Get the GnuWin32's File utility
* Place magic1.dll from the Binaries package into your system32 dir
* Place "magic" from the Binaries package into your system32 dir (or anywhere else, just as long as you remember the path)
* Place zlib1.dll and regex2.dll from the Dependencies package into your system32 dir
4) Test your installation
C:\> python
>>> import magic
>>> test = magic.Magic(magic_file='C:\path\to\your\magic')
>>> print test.from_buffer("test") ASCII text, with no line terminators

For more information, go here and here.

Again, many thanks to MHL for providing those instructions.

Another lesson here is to not stick with one tool or one set of tools, but instead be open to finding and using a tool or technique that works, and incorporating it into your toolkit. While Perl has the Parse::Win32Registry module and Python does not appear to have something comparable, Python does have the pefile module (on which pescanner.py was built) and Perl does not have (to the best of my knowledge) a comparable module. So rather than fitting the case to the tool, it's often a much better idea (albeit not easier) to find a tool or technique that will help you with your case.

轉自 http://windowsir.blogspot.com/2010/12/installing-pescannerpy-on-windows.html






今年2月,聖地牙哥加州大學有位博士生Michael Wei,在儲存技術國際研討會(Fast 11)上發表了一份震驚全場的研究報告,他揭露了一個長期存在卻很少有人注意的SSD資料遺漏的安全問題,他說:「想要徹底銷毀SSD固態硬碟上的資料,其實不容易。沒有一種硬碟軟體刪除技術,可以有效刪除SSD硬碟中的特定文件。」

Michael Wei是加州大學聖地牙哥分校專門研究SSD硬碟的非揮發系統實驗室(Non-Volatile Systems Laboratory,NVSL)的成員,NVSL研究團隊發現,使用美國空軍刪除資料的方法,來清除SSD上的一個1GB檔案,仍舊有5.8~7.3% 的資料可以回復,若是USB隨身碟,甚至最高可以回復63.5%的資料。

NVSL研究團隊測試了13種各國官方採用的資料銷燬方法,包括刪除軟體常見的Gutmann模式、英國的British HMG IS5模式、德國的German VSITR模式、俄羅斯的German VSITR模式等,甚是美國國防部US DoD 5220.22-M。他們在SSD硬碟和USB隨身碟上寫入一個1GB大小的檔案,利用這13種方法刪除後,仍然可以回復數十MB甚至上百MB的資料,沒有一種方法能有效地徹底抹除這個檔案。



首先,資料不能重複寫入。在快閃記憶體上最小的儲存空間稱為一個Cell,一個Cell可以儲存一個位元的資訊,可以是1或0,這就是所謂的SLC儲存方式(Single Bit per Cell)。若要寫入新資料,必須充電來清除這個Cell的電位資訊以後,才可以重新寫入。不像硬碟磁盤上記錄資料的磁性可以反覆改變,也就說可反覆將資料寫入磁盤上同一個位置,達到重複寫入。另一種快閃記憶體技術MLC(Multi-level Cell),也是一樣在一個Cell上用不同電位來儲存2個位元的資訊,同樣也有不能重複寫入的特性。這是硬碟和SSD儲存方式第一個不同點。

SSD寫入資料時最小的單位是Page,一個Page依SSD採用的快閃記憶體而有不同,可以是2,048、4,096或8,192Bit等,每次可以寫入1個Page的資料。但是,抹除資料時無法一次抹除1個Page的資料,而必須一整批Page同時抹除,這個整批抹除的單位就是Block,1個 Block通常是64或128個Page,也可以更多如128或256。



最後一個特性是快閃記憶體寫入資料有次數限制,例如有的快閃記憶體的電路特性可以寫入10萬次。當一個區域寫入次數達到這個限制以後,就無法再寫入,成為壞死區域(Bad Sector)。為了延長SSD的使用壽命,就必須避免寫入集中在少數區域,讓寫入資料平均分配到每一個Cell上。

因為快閃記憶體這三個特性,所以,SSD採取了一種和傳統硬碟截然不同的存取架構,在檔案系統和實體資料儲存層之間,增加一個FTL層(Flash Translation Layer),FTL層會負責提供檔案系統和實體資料層之間的對應,讓作業系統仍舊看到和硬碟一樣的檔案系統。但是在實際儲存資料時,FTL層會將資料分散到不同的位置儲存,避免寫入動作集中在少數區域。



SSD存取資料的架構和傳統硬碟截然不同。SSD在檔案系統和實體資料儲存層之間,增加一個FTL層(Flash Translation Layer),FTL層會負責提供檔案系統和實體資料層之間的對應,讓作業系統仍舊看到和硬碟一樣的檔案系統,但是在實際儲存資料時,FTL層會將資料分散到不同的位置儲存,避免寫入動作集中在少數區域。












NVSL的研究發現,如果使用低階磁碟控制指令ATA Command中的刪除指令,針對整顆SSD資料進行全面抹除,通常可以有效抹除資料,但是,不是每一款SSD都能正確支援這種指令,在NVSL的測試中也有一款SSD執行ATA刪除指令後,SSD只是註記刪除位置,而沒有實際抹除。

有時不一定能採取全面抹除的作法,NVSL也考慮了另一種情況,在經常使用的SSD中,只刪除特定敏感性的文件。NVSL發現,若將上千個檔案寫入SSD 後,有些檔案可能被複製了16份,散布在SSD中不同位置,想要單獨刪除其中特定檔案的難度相當高。NVSL測試了13種各國官方認可的資料刪除方法,都無法徹底刪除測試檔案的資料,在SSD中仍舊有部分測試檔案的資料可以回復。




但是,全面抹除的作法非常耗時,程威笛表示,他曾利用HD Tune軟體中的Gutmann演算法來抹除一顆120GB的SSD,花了8小時才處理完畢。有些SSD廠商的抹除工具也只能支援自家產品,而不能抹除所有的SSD產品。






臺灣科技大學電子系助理教授 吳晉賢






如果使用者要自己進行資料抹除,則可以使用ANSI標準的ATA Secure Erase指令。而一位不願具名的金士頓(Kingston)技術支援部工程師表示,雖然SSD都擁有原生的內部指令,但是也要看各家的快閃記憶體控制器是否提供該功能,無則不能使用。

針對ATA Secure Erase指令支援度,目前市面上的SSD粗分成三種。第一種是支援該指令,當SSD接收到指令時,會將快閃記憶體上的邏輯區塊位址抹除,而這會讓區塊位置標示成已抹除的狀態,等同於回復到剛出廠的狀態。第二種則不支援指令,這是因為有些快閃記憶體控制器,並沒有支援ATA的ANSI標準指令,這類情形較會出現在早期的SSD上。而第三種則是表面支援指令,也可以執行該指令,但實際上卻無法抹除。

金士頓表示,他們自家的產品支援ANSI標準的ATA Normal Secure Erase及ATA Enhanced Secure Erase指令。使用者可透過HDDerase這套軟體,在DOS模式下抹除SSD。而這兩個指令的作用上,前者是將邏輯區塊位址抹除,來達到銷毀資料的目的;而後者的功能較為進階,它是將SSD上加密的金鑰摧毀,這會讓加密的資料幾乎無法進行解碼。

不過需注意的是,SSD上的超額配置(over-provisioning)空間,是用來暫存及加速存取資料用。而這部份的快閃記憶體,並不受Secure Erase指令影響。所以在抹除時,該區塊有可能會殘存部分資料。

HDDerase僅能在DOS模式下運行,使用者能透過它執行Secure Erase指令。這套軟體能依照安全等級,執行共4種層級的抹除指令,依照等級排列為Normal File Deletion、DoD 5220 Block Erase、Secure Erase及NIST 800-88 Enhanced Secure Erase。




吳錫熙表示,它們軟體破壞的方法,並非透過作業系統去下達指令,因為這太耗費時間。而且有些資料抹除方式,只是將作業系統內的檔案配置表(FAT,File Allocation Table)刪除,但資料依舊保存在快閃記憶體內。但只要透過Final Data這類檔案救援軟體,就能重建檔案配置表,進而將資料從快閃記憶體中取出。


一種是Destroy指令,該指令能夠將SSD資料完全抹除,並且會將快閃記憶體內原有的壞塊資訊也抹寫掉。而執行Destroy後,整顆SSD將會回到尚未開卡前的狀態,不能使用之外,也無法進行讀取;而且,Destroy一顆128GB的SSD,大約只要6秒。而另一種Quick Erase指令,一樣是將SSD資料抹寫,但只是將區塊中的資料給清除。執行完後,使SSD能夠重複使用。而Quick Erase一顆128GB的SSD,大約需55秒。




除了資料抹除不完全外,再加上抹除所需時間久,所以廠商大多選擇硬體方式破壞。程威迪說,他自己實驗過,使用HD Tune軟體Pro版的Gutmann演算法,將一顆120GB的SSD進行抹除,約要花上8個小時才能處理完畢。而且這還只有抹除掉約70%的資料,如果要做到徹底抹除,所花的時間可能需更久。







方法 1 軟體抹除法

而目前要使用軟體抹除,可以使用HD Tune及HDDerase這兩套軟體實做。像HD Tune上有四種抹除方式,如零填充、隨機填充、美國國防部DOD 5220.22-M標準及德國Gutmann演算法。


而HDDerase這套軟體,則可以執行ANSI標準的ATA Secure Erase指令。而大多支援抹除指令的SSD,都能夠用它進行標準及進階的資料抹除。標準的抹除指令功能有點類似零填充,它是將邏輯區塊位址抹除,而進階的抹除指令則是摧毀SSD上的加密金鑰。



方法 2 鐵槌敲擊法





方法 3 焚毀法





方法 4 消磁及泡水





Installation for Volatility 1.4

Installation Prerequisites

In order to use Volatility, you will need to install a few prerequisite programs and packages.

  • Python 2.6 or greater, but not Python 3.0 Python 2.6 will be used in this guide
  • Distorm (Malware Plugins, Volshell)
  • Yara (Malware Plugins)
  • PyCrypto (Core)
  • Subversion Client. We recommend TortoiseSVN for Windows
  • 7zip or an application that can unzip zip and gzip files
  • MinGW or other C Compiler (for compiling Pycrypto library)

Windows Installation

This covers how to install Volatility 1.4 on Windows.

Python Installation

In order to use Volatility, you must first install Python. You should get version 2.6 for Windows. When you download the file, double-click to install and you will see the following security message. Just click Run.
Choose the appropriate install options. Most likely you will want to install for all users on the machine:
The installer will ask you where you would like to install the Python files, the default under C:\Python26 should be fine:
The installer will then give you the option for more advanced install options. Unless you know what you are doing, it will be best to leave all options enabled:
On Vista/Windows7 you may have to confirm that you want to install:
Hit “Next” and Python will now install. Hit “Finish” when installation completes:

Setting Environment Variables

After Python is installed, you should make sure that the Python extensions are registered. If you have a regular start menu, click on start and then right click on “Computer” and choose properties. If you have the classic start menu, just right click on “My Computer” and choose properties.
If you have Windows 7 you will see the following screen. Choose "Advanced System Settings". You should see the following (some personal details removed):
Make sure you are on the "Advanced" tab and choose "Environmental Variables":
On the next screen find the "Path" variable and click "Edit":
Click on the text and scroll all the way to the end. Append the path of our Python installation to the end of the existing Path variable. Where it says “Variable Value” go to the end of the line and add the following:
The semicolon separates our new Path location from the current values. If the location of your Python installation is different from the above, type the appropriate folder location instead.
Now we are ready to test that we have set up everything correctly. Open a command prompt by clicking on the "Start Menu" and clicking on "Run". For Windows 7, click "Start" and type "cmd" in the search text box and hit "Enter":
Type "python" into the command prompt. You should then see the Python header and command prompt >>> Type "quit()" to exit. If this works, Python is installed correctly.

Installing Dependencies

Installing MinGW

Occasionally you will need a C/C++ compiler in order to install Python libraries. If you install Distorm3 or Pycrypto from source, you will need a compiler. Download the compiler from the Sourceforge site. Make sure you get the "ming-get-inst" installer as shown below:
Double click the installer. You should see the following picture. Hit Next to continue.
If you are running as Administrator you will see the following screen. Just hit Next.
You will have a choice to install the latest MinGW build or prepackaged binaries.
Accept the agreement.
Choose a location to install MinGW.
Keep accepting defaults until you get to the "Select Components" screen. Here you will need to make sure you have at least the C++ compiler checked as well as "MSYS Basic System" so you will have the "make" utility.
Hit Next. A black command prompt may appear as things are installing; just ignore it. If all goes well you will see the "Finish" screen. Just hit "Finish".
Add the "bin" directory of MinGW to your path like you did for Python. If you accepted the default installation directory the text to add would be:
You can test that this works by typing "gcc" plus "Enter" at the command line. You should see "gcc: no input files" if your path variable is set up correctly:

Installing Pycrypto

If you do not have a C compiler like MinGW installed, you can install a precompiled version of Pycrypto from www.voidspace.org.uk. If you installed MinGW as above you can install Pycrypto as follows.
To install from source, first go to the Pycrypto repository page. You can download a snapshot as a gzip file:
If you have 7zip installed, right click on the downloaded file and choose open 7zip->Open Archive:
Double click the tar file inside and click the "Extract" button.
Choose a location to extract the folder to:
Once the folder is extracted, open the command prompt and change directory into that folder. In this case, the folder was extracted onto the Desktop, so the command issued is:
cd Desktop\pycrypto-2.0.x
Once inside you can issue a "dir" command to make sure you have all the files, including "setup.py"
Type the following commands to install (wait until the first one finishes before typing the second one):
python setup.py build -c mingw32
python setup.py install
As long as you don't see any errors Pycrypto should be installed correctly.

Installing Distorm3

Distorm3 is used by several Malware plugins as well as the Core Volshell plugin. It's easiest to install the precompiled library for Python 2.6, which is the method shown here. Go to the Distorm Google Code page and download the distorm3-1.0.win32.zip which contains the library for Python 2.6. Unzip the file and navigate into the Python26\Lib\site-packages directory:
Copy all contents into your Python 2.6 library location, in this case C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages
You can check the installation by running python and importing distorm3. If you don't see any errors, distorm3 was installed correctly.

Installing Yara-Python 1.4a

Download the appropriate yara-python-1.4a.win32-py2.X.exe Windows installer. In this guide we will use yara-python-1.4a.win32-py2.6.exe. Double click the installer and click Next.
The installer should pick up your Python installation. If you have more than version of Python installed, choose the installation you will be using for Volatility.
Accept all defaults, hitting Next until complete. As long as there are no errors shown installation should be successful. You an always verify by running Python and typing "import yara"

Installing TortoiseSVN

In order to get the source code for Volatility 1.4 from the repository, you will need a Subversion (SVN) client. You can download the client from http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html. Make sure to choose the correct installer:
Double click the installer and keep hitting next. Accept all defaults and accept the user agreement. Hit "Finish" when the installation completes.
You will be asked to restart your computer after TortoiseSVN is installed.
After restarting, you can verify that TortoiseSVN is installed correctly by right-clicking on the Desktop. If it is installed, you will see it in the menu:

Installing Volatility 1.4 from SVN

Once you have a Subversion client installed, you can download the latest source code for Volatility 1.4 from the code repository. This guide will use TortoiseSVN. First create a folder where you want to keep the Volatility source code. For this guide we will create a folder "C:\Volatility 1.4". Go inside this folder and right-click, bringing up the menu options for TortoiseSVN. Choose "SVN Checkout":
Type the following url for the repository:
All other defaults should be fine, click OK. When the repository is finished downloading click OK to close out.
You should then see all the Volatility source code in the folder.
To use Volatility, open a command line and navigate to the Volatility source directory. In this case:
cd "c:\Volatility 1.4"
Then type:
python vol.py -h
You should see a long list of output that includes all of the plugins that are available. For more information on how to use Volatility check out BasicUsage and CommandReference

轉自 http://code.google.com/p/volatility/wiki/FullInstallation