WinDD 1.3
Raw memory dump:
* Windows 2000 (32-Bits)
* Windows XP (32-Bits and 64-Bits)
* Windows 2003 (32-Bits and 64-Bits)
* Windows Vista (32-Bits and 64-Bits)
* Windows 2008 (32-Bits and 64-Bits)
* Windows 7 (32-Bits and 64-Bits)
* Windows 2008 R2 (32-Bits and 64-Bits)
Microsoft crash dump:
* Windows XP (32-Bits and 64-Bits)
* Windows 2003 (32-Bits and 64-Bits)
* Windows Vista (32-Bits and 64-Bits)
* Windows 2008 (32-Bits and 64-Bits)
* Windows 7 (32-Bits and 64-Bits)
* Windows 2008 R2 (32-Bits and 64-Bits)
* Raw dump generation
* Standalone Microsoft crash dump generation
* Network support (client + server)
* SMB path support
* MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 hash support
* Support 3 mapping methods for both full crash dump and raw memory dump generation
* Support 3 content rules
* Fast
* 32-bits and 64-bits support
* Can hibernate the system.
* Can generate a Blue Screen of the Death
* Support of machine with more than 4GB of RAM.
Microsoft Windows has an internal limitation which does not allow to generate a Microsoft Full Crash dump if the local machine has more than 2GB of physical memory. Of course, this limitation does not affect windd but it was funny and a good surprise to see Windbg correctly works with 8GB Microsoft crash dump (successfuly tested by Jimmy).
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